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Areial Empire

AE Logo Aerial Empire
Season 4

  • ItzSkp (Leader)
  • _Izotz
  • ItsLodus
  • iamstove
  • King_MCthe1st
  • ItzReal_meh (banned)
  • Skuller (banned)


The Aerial Empire was created by ItzSKP, even before the season had begun. He recruited many of his old faction members from Salmon Faction in Season 3, like OHIO_STATE, iamstove, _Izotz, etc. The goal of the Empire was to be the most influential and powerful on the server, rivalling the Internet Explorers.


The AE is one of the most successful factions on the server. It has achieved many admirable feats, such as:
1. The strategy of alliances was well applied by the Empire. The Internet Explorers became one of its first allies through mutual cooperation.
2. The IE created efficient farms - the fastest Iron Farm by ItsLodus, a covert Trading Hall, and much more.
3. The AE was the first faction to obtain a beacon.
4. Personal achievements of members continue to accentuate the Empire's greatness.

The Kingdoms

The AE Base was split into two major parts : one on a Plains biome, near a Mesa, practically beside the World Border, and SKP's base.
The main base consists of ItsLodus' Quad-Module Iron Farm, and OHIO_STATE's underground base.

The AE Base
A Towering Contraption
The Iron Farm
The Iron Farm
Copius Storage
Copius Storage

ItzSKP decided to create his base at the edge of a jungle, 7000 blocks away from the main base. The Kingdom of Colorido was born from a few huts - serving as his personal house, and a villager breeder, before expanding across the river to the farm estate. The entire base was designed with the lore (by _Izotz) as its backbone.

The Start of a Spanish Village
The Start of a Spanish Village
The First House
The Trading Hall
A Crack in the Mountainl
A Crack in the Mountain
A Cozy Cabin
A Cozy Cabin
Two Mortal Enemies
Two Mortal Enemies

The Aerial Empire, or the AE created an alliance with one of the strongest factions on the server - Internet Explorers. Many structures were built in collaboration, like the first Gold Farm, the first Slime Farm, etc. The alliance helped many new members to obtain gear and xp, and progress through the game in mere hours.

The End Event

ItzSKP profited largely in the End Event. He obtained multiple shulker shells and elytras for personal use. The other members would follow suit, in the subsequent days.

Silence Trim Incident

A devious plot by ItzSKP was to explore all the Ancient Cities in the 5000 by 5000 block area within world border in search of the fabled Silence Trim, and deprive all other members from it. It has a 1.2% chance of spawning in Ancient City chest. Amidst countless Wardens, the AE and the IE were the first to obtain it. While some Ancient Cities remain unexplored, the two factions were successful at making the trim extremely rare.

The Period of Stagnation

The projects of AE was left incomplete, as many members lost interest in the server, or in the game entirely. Regular PVP fights on the AE grounds could not harbour enough enthusiasm. In the end, the AE remains as one of the most prosperous factions of the Season.