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Commie Ghosts

Commie Ghosts The Communist Ghosts
X:400 Z:2150
Season 4
"We boo and are communists"



The Communist Ghosts (CG) was the only Communist nation ever made in Season 4.


The CG faction was the first faction to dissolve, particularly due to inactivity of its members. They had the least used Trading Hall.


The Communist Ghosts' downfall was attributed to a significant lack of active players, because all the other players had began working on their nation already. Enticed with the rise of multiple factions like Internet Explorers and Aerial Empire, most members defected towards the active factions. Their leader, lolrussy, was also inactive meaning the CG had no leadership to follow. The final problem is ItzSKP's continuous criticising of the nation, which finally lead to their downfall.

Defections of the Members

iSark was the first player to leave the CG. He joined the Banana Syndicate with JackSmith. buk_08 followed by example as well. He would however carry the CG tag in-game for the longest time, due to an error by the staff. Giangvu, after much deliberation, left to join Internet Explorers. ManBoyThing also did the same.


Lolrussy had to dissolve the CG faction, for it had fallen below the threshold of minimum 3 members. He joined Internet Explorers as well, but remained quite inactive. GoldenWarrior was the last remnant of the Communist Ghost faction, and he was banned only recently for using a racial slur. Thus, the cottage on a hill which the CG faction called home would be desolate for the forseeable future.

Attempt at Revival

With the permission of Giangvu, two rookie players, Adam (his real-life friend) and Vector, occupied the CG Base. Lolrussy had transferred all responsibilities of the disbanded faction to Giangvu, before becoming inactive once more.