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Eobard_Thawne xylium17
Internet Explorers

Hades India
4ᵀᴴ August


iSark (generally shortened to "ishark") has been a part of Hamium since late Season 3. He has been a member - notwithstanding inactive - of racks since July 23, 2023.

Season 3

In Season 3, he joined leunium's faction - DRON. He spent majority of his time trying to get gear, and also built the trunk of a massive Cherry Oak Tree, which would house an Iron Farm. However the untimely end to the season, combined with his exam preparations, hindered his progress greatly. The Cherry Oak Tree was left unfinished.

Season 4

In season 4, he joined lolrussy's Commie Ghosts faction. However, the faction disbanded due to inactivity. Afterwards, he joined the Banana Syndicate. However, that faction also disbanded due to inactivity. Lastly, he joined the Internet Explorers, which would remain his current faction.Some of his notable achievements were :
1. He created the fastest iron farm on the server.
2. He is one of the few players to have the extremely rare Silence Trim.
3. He became a Helper in the shortest time possible. This promotion to Staff was mainly due to his contributions to wiki and overall knowledge about programming.

Other Details

iSark lives in India. He also plays club-level football.

"if life gives you free chocolate milkshake, you probably have diabetes"
‒ iSark, on his sugar level.