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ItzSKP king_skp
Salmon Faction
Aerial Empire

ItzSKP India
31ˢᵗ February


ItzSKP (generally shortened to SKP) is a notable player in Hamium. He has been a part of the server since late Season 3.

Season 3

ItzSKP created the Salmon Faction (SF), having a rivalry with the Democratic Republic of Noxus (DRON). He named SF as it saved him on the brink of starvation, and no other reason. His time spent in the game propelled SF almost into the level of DRON in terms of equipment. During the DRON-SF war, he fought and was accused of trying to run away, due to not being clear if he accepted to surrender.
Some of his personal achievements in SF were:
1. He had more elytras than Hades.
2. He had collected nearly all Armor Trims, and all of the Music Discs.
3. He had amassed multiple sets of armor, and multiple stacks of Golden Apples.

Season 4

SKP created the Aerial Empire faction. Despite being the faction leader, he lives secluded - around 7000 blocks from the faction base.
Some of his personal notable doings so far are:
1. He was the first person from his faction to obtain an Elytra in The End event, although he borrowed one from Minocp.
2. When interviewed, he said that he made "a cool iron farm". A faction member, ItsLodus, has an equal claim over it as well.
3. He plans to build a "Spanish Kingdom" with 3 villages and a castle.
Exams have hindered his progress this season.


The Kingdom of Colorido
In a realm where colors dance and dreams take shape, the Kingdom of Colorido stands as a beacon of prosperity and wonder. Nestled on the edge of an ancient forest, this vibrant kingdom is a testament to the harmonious coexistence of nature and civilization.

Divisions of Colorido:
Distrito Agrícola (Agriculture District): The fields and meadows of this district provides the kingdom with bountiful harvests and fresh produce. Farmers and agronomists work diligently, tending to the fertile lands and ensuring the kingdom's food security.

Ciudad Principal (Main City): At the heart of Colorido lies its bustling main city, a hub of commerce and culture. Magnificent palaces, bustling marketplaces, and enchanting plazas fill the cityscape, reflecting the kingdom's rich heritage.

Distrito Industrial (Industrial District): The clang of hammers and the steady hum of machinery resonate through the industrial district. Skilled artisans and craftsmen produce exquisite goods, from intricate textiles to fine metalwork.

Mount Cicatriz and Its Secrets:
Overlooking the kingdom stands Mount Cicatriz, a majestic mountain with a tale of its own. Perched atop this towering peak is Castillo De Luz (Castle of Light), a grand fortress that serves as the seat of power for the ruler of Colorido King SKP. From its heights, the castle offers great views of the entire kingdom.

Beneath the castle, a mysterious scar-like cave winds its way through the heart of Mount Cicatriz. Legend speaks of ancient secrets concealed within its depths, guarded by Criatura.

Lago de las Sombras (Lake of Shadows):
In the shimmering waters of a vast lake known as Lago de las Sombras, lurks a legendary monster named Criatura. With tentacles which have the darkest sculk blocks and eyes that are made of 2 conduits, Criatura is both feared and revered by the inhabitants of Colorido. Some people also call it the GOD OF DISPAIR and if you are cursed by him then the person cursed will be infected with sculk and kill all his enemies and friends but if the person's willpower is quite strong he can stop himself from killing his friends, people also say that Criatura has a egg which looks simular to the Dragon Egg. Tales of its majestic presence and formidable power have been passed down through generations, adding to the kingdom's rich tapestry of folklore and legend.

El Coliseo de los Cielos (Colosseum of the Skies):
High atop another mountain, overlooking the kingdom and the sprawling forest below, stands El Coliseo de los Cielos. This ancient arena serves as a battleground for warriors and gladiators, where epic duels and grand tournaments are held in honor of the kingdom's heroes and champions. People say that the scar in Mount Cicatriz is made by a great champion's attack.

The Start of a Spanish Village
The Start of a Spanish Village
The First House
The Trading Hall
A Crack in the Mountainl
A Crack in the Mountain
A Cozy Cabin
A Cozy Cabin
Two Mortal Enemies
Two Mortal Enemies
Other Details

SKP lives in Hong Kong, China. He does art and drawing to some extent.

"I have yet to meet a man who can outsmart gun"
- SKP (in a Russian accent)